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Celebrity Diane LaneCute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsSexy Emma Watson showing her LegsLong legs in heels for a sexy selfiePretty Emma Watson and her kittyAngie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscoutScreen Team Christmas ParodyElizabeth Ann Roberts 2

Fence Treated with Lubricant
Fence Treated with Lubricant

Fence Treated with Lubricant

Now I have seen some fairly strange fetishes in my day, but what are they thinking here, is there really a high demand for fence f'ing? Ok, if I am now being logical , I am guessing they are trying to prevent people from climbing it, but aren't there better ways to accomplish that task? I can just see the guy they hired for this job, I mean , what does he go out every morning and spray this fence down with KY...

Category: Funny Signs
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